Thiệp điện tử

The Couple



Franky is a kindhearted, cheerful and optimistic gentleman. He is also the most patient man in this world, who also has great sense of humour. He loves basketball, is a Yugioh addict, and attracts to anything collectible and cute.



Jenny is a sweet, bubbly, and gentle cupcake who loves sweets, all things bubbly, and anything pink. She is also a dessert lover, a devoted chore-assigner, an avid online shopper, and has a passion for refunding items.

Love Story

First time meeting

We had Korean snacks and drinks at a bar, followed by a game of pool, which felt like a normal date, except we were laughing our cheeks off all night. We knew then we were going to last a very, very long time.

First day officially together

I had to find the right moment. I asked Jenny to take a picture of me with Niagara Falls behind my back. She was adjusting the focus, I turned to her and was holding up a sign: Be my GF? Y or N. Guess which box she checked? :d

Life changing Moment

Jenny was to fly back to Vietnam on this very day, and move to USA permanently. We thought this love story was going to end. Canada went into a State of emergency cancelling all international flights, and our future was alternated.

Signing the paper

Amidst the chaos of the ongoing pandemic at the time, many opportunities came up. We decided that the best way to go was to give each other the title of Mr. And Mrs. With the witness from both sides of the family, we met up at a church, and tied the knot!


We cordially invite you to celebrate our wedding




Confirm attendance

Let us know you'll be attending!
Please RSVP before the end of March

Sending wishes to the couple

Send greetings

To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.

Thank you!